About the maker

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Louise Roberts



My name is Louise Roberts and I was born, raised and currently live in Calgary, Alberta. I am married to my best friend and love of my life, together we have 5 AMAZING children and have been blessed with 4 beautiful grandchildren (thus far).

I have always been a maker. Since I have been a little girl I have loved and have had passion to craft, make creations and explore new mediums however I have really fell hard for jewelry making. A few years ago I had discovered leatherwork quite accidently. I started gathering recycled genuine leather and started creating and I have been in love ever since.  At the beginning of this journey I had an extremely traumatic event occur in my life that had left me in a search for healing and that is when I really emersed myself into my leather creation.  Not only is it a passion it has been my healing journey.  It has given me strength where I was incredibly weak. It has lifted my spirits when I was wallowing in pain, it has built my confidence when I felt worthless, it has brought me tremendous peace and joy.

Each piece has been apart of that process and after 1.5 years of consistently creating it is time to let them go, again which has itself been very therapeutic. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have felt joy making them.



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Louise Roberts

Profile picture of Louise Roberts


Active 1 year, 2 months ago