From the Roses™ Spirit Rose Parfum


From the Roses™ Spirit Rose Parfum™ is 100% natural: pure rose hydrosol, steam-distilled at our headquarters here in the Cowichan Valley from a range of fragrant organic roses (featuring Rosa Damascene Hana and Chianti in particular), harvested at their peak.

What makes Spirit Rose Parfum™ shimmer is its multiple layerings of scent that shift and change in time. Jasmine tops the list of the 2 dozen natural oils in the blend – which is also known as ‘Aphrodite’ in roller format – by adding the oil blend to the rose hydrosol, we see it take on a completely new life!



From the Roses™ Spirit Rose Parfum™ is 100% natural: pure rose hydrosol, steam-distilled at our headquarters here in the Cowichan Valley from a range of fragrant organic roses (featuring Rosa Damascene Hana and Chianti in particular), harvested at their peak.

What makes Spirit Rose Parfum™ shimmer is its multiple layerings of scent that shift and change in time. Jasmine tops the list of the 2 dozen natural oils in the blend – which is also known as ‘Aphrodite’ in roller format – by adding the oil blend to the rose hydrosol, we see it take on a completely new life!

30 mL crystal glass spray bottle • keep from heat + light for greatest shelf-life

Please check out our Origins blog ‘From the Roses’ for more information,  and a few stories!

This season’s hydrosol is now ready! Limited quantity available!